Monthly archives: August, 2016

Men Have Forgotten God


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One half a century ago, while I was a child, I recall hearing a number of older people offer the following explanation for the great disasters that had befallen Russia: ” Men have forgotten God; that’s why all this happened.” Since then, he explained, he had spent nearly half a century researching the history of the Russian Revolution which had swallowed up sixty million of our people, but if he was asked to formulate as concisely as possible the main cause of all that had happened he could not put it more accurately than to repeat the same words. And if I were called to identify briefly the principal trait of the entire twentieth century, here too, I would be unable to find anything more precise than to repeat once again:

Men have forgotten God.

Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn (1918-2008)

THE TREK from broad road to narrow path

carved-wooden-door-2805x3362_13975After knocking repeatedly on the door, gazing at its imposing appearance, and wondering if someone was on the other side of this door, you found no response. For some unknown reason your imagination suddenly began to run wild. It appeared as if an attempt was being made to hijack your mind to exit your body and make a mad dash for the cliffs. Clarity drifted in and out with a feeling of being drugged up and unable to move or think clearly. Everything in your mind was moving in slow motion. It was as if you could hear, but not hear; you could see, but not see. Your mental images were blurry – scattered – disheveled like a bookcase full of books completely out of order – in disarray. You were unable to focus or fathom your surroundings. You realized there seemed to appear an unseen dark force driving your conscience to keep you distracted. You noticed you were disoriented and frustrated. You were off balance with a strange feeling you never realized until this occurred. So you walked away from the door.

Time went by and you came back to the door. Knocking repeatedly again and again, listening more and more attentively for the sounds of footsteps. You heard nothing. The unseen dark force came back again and surrounded you. You were more aware of what was happening to you than you were before. You felt like a surfer waiting for the great wave to ride – only to find you missed it. Your thoughts flooded over you like a raging river. This time you became angry enough to fight back until you became exhausted. You needed to find a place to rest. In your mind you thought of finding shade under a willow tree.You began questioning yourself. Then a spider descended down from the heavens. You wondered if this was real or some sort of delusion. In your struggle and frustration your mind filled with these three strange words, ” Ask, Seek, and Knock.” This continued to percolate as you ruminated its meaning for your life. You could not understand. Your thoughts were cluttered and before you realized it, the words slipped underneath the crack of the door. They disappeared like a driver lost in the Tule fog of California unable to see anything.

It was a while until you came back to the door, but you were much more attentive than ever of this unseen dark force. You concentrated to let nothing interfere with your thoughts about the strange words “Ask, Seek, and Knock.” You let nothing distract you. Then the door opened slowly and easily.
A blinding light hit your eyes like a bright yellow sun. You could not see anything at first but black dots. You squinted and somewhat covered your eyes, but noticed the door stayed open. Your eyes finally adjusted to the light. You focused your thinking and heard,” Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened.” (Matthew 7:7) A complete feeling of loneliness came over you. It was like being in a long long line for some Broadway play or music concert to begin after waiting for hours and hours. Then all of a sudden the line started to move steadily and faster just like on the broad road, and you knew you needed to keep in step or be trampled upon. Your struggles formed into an explosion of unexpected tranquility. An unusual calmness and peace came over you like the ocean waves in the early summer morning, the swishing sounds of waves in and out upon the seashore. A warm feeling came over you like some kind of liquid peace had entered your veins.

Then a new reality poured into your soul. You now could somewhat hear what you could not hear; you could somewhat  see what you could not see.Your soul was dancing like a Pied Piper with his lute playing to the children.  But you knew this was different, that you were being wooed by the Spirit of love, that you had been drawn to the door of light and life eternal. No longer were you in the thick dark Schwarzwald of your soul – in a deep sound sleep like Rip Van Winkle. So now you are standing at the threshold of the door of opportunity. What is keeping you from crossing over? Why are you hesitating?

Soren Kierkegaard said, ” Christianity or becoming a Christian is like every radical cure: One puts it off as long as possible,”


As By The Hand

Every person, therefore, on coming to the knowledge of himself, is not only urged to seek God, but is also led as by the hand to find him.  John Calvin (1509-1564)hands



I think therefore I am.

Rene Descartes  (1596-1650)



real intellectuality


the-universe-9725x4862_33004I refer to the phrase, ” a fortuitous concurrence of atoms. ”  We all understand that the word “fortuitous”  simply means by chance, and not by design. Reason cannot accept that as a final interpretation of the universe. Then, of course, there are those who say they do not know, and there is no knowing.  Such describe themselves as agnostic.  All we can say to that position is that real intellectuality cannot rest in ignorance. It must investigate.

G. Campbell Morgan (1863-1945)

Existence Of Life

world 27e214dfd8f8f276f1c747e40a2a48fa8756f755The world is too complicated in all its parts and interconnections to be due to chance alone.  I am convinced that the existence of life with all its order in each of its organisms is simply too well put together.

Allen Sandage

the traveler


monk from free library a monks-1077839_960_720

 just walking alone at this moment with no one to meet and greet down the dusty trail less traveled
listening to the song of the lark and thinking of tares and
golden wheat – carrying bundles and loads of labor working
and waiting for victory and not defeat. scattering seed among
rocks and thistle thorns – upon fallow fields as yet to be
adorned. making pilgrim’s progress at sunrise, sunset and the
gloaming of the day – looking for the gleanings of tomorrow and  the Harvest as
we continue going on the Way.

A Mathematician and an Artist


We turn, then, to contemplate the heavens, and once more to examine the earth in detail, watching the daisy growing, and the dewdrops sparkling. Such contemplation reveals clearly two things: order, and beauty. When we consider the heavens in all their far-flung splendor,
and the earth in its minutiae of perfection, we at least are driven to the conclusion that at the back of everything the Personality is a Mathematician and an Artist.    G. Campbell Morgan (1863-1945)         3cb8ee84c1f3c6481e81c31142cfd8547ba813c2

way way deep down

In the beginning God created
the heavens and the earth.
Gen 1:1

In the beginning was the Word,
and the Word was with God,
and the Word was God. He was
with God in the beginning.
Through him all things were made;
without him nothing was made
that has been made. John 1:1-3


so whether you believe any of
this or not, you are here in
the middle of 100 billion galaxies
and 100 billion suns with all the
stars in the sky knowing you exist,
hoping that it matters, wanting it
to count, and perhaps wondering
” how many seas must a white dove
sail before she sleeps in the sand “,
as you are reaching for the sky and
grabbing at the wind believing the
answer therein lies
at whatever level that may be.
ah, the wind, the invisible, the Spirit
or spirits, and you.

all aboard the choo choo train of  ” i think
i can ” know in the depth of your consciousness,
in the way way deep down of it all,
you need help from a Friend because
you were made that way. you seek and you wait.

let’s go.


My Fleeting Life

FEATHER IN THE WIND blue-feather

if i could only touch
the hem of your garment
you would make me to stand
on the end of your earth
at death’s door
knowing everything i need to know
in this moment of my fleeting life.
i feel like a feather in the whirlwind,
yet not lost, but not knowing the way.
surrounded by fog in the darkness,
i listen, listen, listen for your voice
to speak to my soul.
i am pushing through the throngs
within myself and racing toward
the place of sanctified healing
where i will caress the beauty and blessing
of bowing my face to thy feet,
of being still gently, surrounded
by the rainbow of your promise
and of knowing perfect peace
for Thou alone art my God, my healer, my friend.
this is my heart. this is my prayer. this is for you.
