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His Eyes Are On Their Ways

“There are those who rebel against the light,
who do not know its ways or stay in its paths.

Job 24:13

In the dark men break into houses, but by day
they shut themselves in; they want nothing to do
with the light.

Job 24:16

For all of them, deep darkness is
their morning; they make friends with the terrors
of darkness.

Job 24:17

But God drags away the mighty by his power;
though they become established, they have no
assurance of life.
He may let them rest in a feeling of security,
but his eyes are on their ways.
For a little while they are exalted, and then they
are gone; they are brought low and gathered up
like all the others; they are cut off like heads of grain.

Job 24: 22-24

Leave Us Alone!


Why do the wicked live on, growing old and
increasing in power?
They see their children established around
them, their offspring before their eyes.
Their homes are safe and free from fear;
the rod of God is not upon them.

Job 21:7-9

Yet they say to God, ‘Leave us alone! We
have no desire to know your ways.
Who is the Almighty, that we should serve him?
What would we gain by praying to him?’
But their prosperity is not in their own hands,
so I stand aloof from the counsel of the

“Yet how often is the lamp of the wicked
snuffed out? How often does calamity come
upon them, the fate God allots in his anger?
How often are they like straw before the wind,
like chaff swept away by a gale? It is
said,’God stores up a man’s punishment for
his sons.’ Let him repay the man himself,
so that he will know it!

Let his own eyes see his destruction;
let him drink of the wrath of the Almighty.
For what does he care about the family he
leaves behind when his allotted months come to an end?”
Job 21: 14-21

If You Believed

Then Jesus said, “Did I not tell you that if you believed, you would see the glory of God?”
John 11:40

Devote Your Heart and Soul


… “Is not the Lord your God with
you? …Now devote your heart and
soul to seeking the Lord your God.”

I Chronicle 22:18,19a

The Beginning of Wisdom


The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom;
all who follow his precepts have good understanding.
To him belongs eternal praise.

Psalm 111:10

Can it then be said that the non-religious world is without wisdom?
Has it no Aristotle, no Socrates, no Tacitus, no Goethe, No Gibbon?
Let us understand what wisdom is. It is not any mere amount of knowledge
that constitutes wisdom. Appropriate knowledge is essential to wisdom.

A man who has not the knowledge appropriate to his position, who does
not know himself in his relation to God and to his fellow-men, who is
misinformed as to his duties, his dangers, his necessities, though he
may have written innumerable works of a most exalted character, yet is
he to be set down as a man without wisdom.

If you have learned to estimate things in some measure as God estimates
them, to desire what he offers, to relinquish what he forbids, and to
recognize the duties that he has appointed you, you are in the path of
wisdom, and the great men we have been speaking about are far behind you-
far from the narrow gate which you have entered. He only is wise, who can
call Christ the wisdom of God.


George Bowen (1816-1888)

From The Treasury of David by Charles H. Spurgeon P.12 of Classic Reflections
on the Wisdom of the Psalms

I Fear No Longer

But now let my God cry more loudly in my soul,
so that your truth may tell me, “No, that is
not the case; it is not true.


The primary teaching
is better in every respect.” I am undoubtedly more
ready today to forget the wanderings of Aeneas and
so forth than how to write or read. Curtains may
well hang at the entrance to schools of literature,
but they serve less to signal the prestige of elite
instruction than to conceal error.

Let not those buyers
and sellers of literary studies shout me down, my God,
as I confess to you according to my soul’s need, and
acquiesce as you chide me for those evil ways of mine
and bring me to love your good ways;

let them not shout
me down, for I fear no longer.

Saint Augustine (354-430)

the Confessions (Book 1 P. 26. 22)

The Works of Saint Augustine A Translation for the 21st Century

from the Augustinian Heritage Institute



ignorance in the minds, hearts, and hands
of evil breeds violence-

education in those same vessels brings
forth annihilation-



Nothing But Leaves



The next day as they were leaving Bethany, Jesus was hungry.
Seeing in the distance a fig tree in leaf, he went to find
out if it had any fruit.
When he reached it, he found nothing but leaves, because it
was not the season for figs. Then he said to the tree, “May
no one ever eat fruit from you again.” And his disciples
heard him say it.

Mark 11:12-14


…”But, further, the church or individual whose religion runs to
leaf is useless to the world. What does the world care about
ceremonials and the externals of worship? and a painful orthodoxy,
and the study of the letter of Scripture. Nothing. A useless church
or a Christian, from whom no man gets any fruit to cool a thirsty,
parched lip, is only fit for what comes after the barrenness, and
that is, that tree bringeth’ not forth good fruit is hewn down and
cast into the fire.’

The churches of England, and we, as integral
parts of these, have solemn duties lying upon us to-day; and if we
cannot help our brethren, and feed and nourish the hungry and thirsty
hearts and souls of mankind, then-then!

the sooner we are plucked up
and pitched over the vineyard wall, which is the fate of the barren vine,
the better for the world and the better for the vineyard.

from:Alexander Maclaren’s “Expositions of Holy Scriptures” on the book of Mark

Alexander Maclaren (11 February 1826 – 5 May 1910)

Who Is The Rock?

“As for God, his way is perfect; the word of the Lord is
flawless. He is a shield for all who take refuge in him.
For who is God besides the Lord?

And who is the Rock except our God?

It is God who arms me with strength and makes my
way perfect. He makes my feet like the feet of a deer; he
enables me to stand on the heights. He trains my hands for

my arms can bend a bow of bronze. You give me your shield
of victory; you stoop down to make me great. You broaden
the path beneath me, so that my ankles do not turn.”

2 Samuel 22:31-37

The Battle


The noise of battle is in the land,

the noise of great destruction!

How broken and shattered

is the hammer of the whole earth!

Jeremiah 50:22,23a