Dear (fill in the blank),








We are beginning to see what it looks like when the intellectually blind grasp for a
shadow to embrace. Where is the modern day Deborah singing “March on, my soul; be strong!” Where is the spiritual Anne Sullivan to teach

a nation that is deaf, dumb, and blind?


Not all, but too many pastors are sleeping
the sleep or blowing with the breeze or
knocking with the knees. Not all,
but too many professors are
continuing to do as
they please–groping in
personal darkness
when the spotlight
shines on them from above.



Stand up – stand now or
you will find yourselves                 
shining the boots of those
handing out your
bamboo slippers

as they march you off to
the gulag camps of your reeducation.

Sincerely  –  Walley


P.S. read Judges Chapters 4 and 5 – particularly 4:9
….consider the voice of the singers at the watering places…