They who “lean to their own understanding”…
who care more to be learned than to be holy;
who value the tree of knowledge
more than the tree of life;
who desire “meat for their lust,” rather than manna for their souls.
Such, indeed, make difficulties for themselves. The “voice out of the whirlwind” rebukes them, as “darkening counsel by words without knowledge.” (Job 38:1,2.)
Scripture difficulties belong not to the Book itself, but to man’s blind and corrupt heart.The carnal man cannot understand it, any more than the blind can see the noon-day light of the sun.
But ‘it is easy to all that have a desire to it, and which are not blinded by the prince of this world.’ The “babes” are taught of God. (Matthew 11:25).
He not only unfolds the truth, but opens their hearts to receive it. There will be, indeed, great depths.
from Proverbs by Charles Bridges (1794 -1869) Excerpt from Proverbs Chapter 8 P.73,74